Firefox Not Showing Embedded Twitter Feed

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  • #1
I've recently noticed that any post on Resetera, that has embedded tweets, are no longer loading for me.

The tweets just stay like this on my end:


I first cleared my browser's cache & cookies, since I haven't done that in awhile, but that didn't fix the issue. Then I started disabling my Firefox add-on extensions, and after disabling my LastPass add-on, I noticed that the embedded tweets are working properly again. So I don't why, but the LastPass add-on is causing embedded tweets on this site to not load correctly; at least for me.

The thing is, I rely on LastPass for my password management, so I can't just leave it disabled. Anyone else with Firefox & the LastPass add-on experiencing this same issue? Or, is just on my end? And if it is just on my end, does anyone know how to fix the issue without just keeping LastPass disabled?

  • #2
Heyyyyyy. I'm on safari and have been noticing the same thing. I also enabled the LastPass extension, but never would have put together that was the cause. How annoying
  • #3
I also have this issue today, also use Firefox and LastPass.
  • #4
This just started happening to me. Is Lastpass the issue? I would have never thought of that. I've been looking all day for an answer to this so thanks!
  • #5
They haven't worked for me on Edge since yesterday.

EDIT: Okay, they work after disabling LastPass.

  • #6
that's how like 90% of tweets look for me always
  • #7
Lastpass and Google Chrome here, it seems to be working fine over here at least
  • #8
Well, at least now I know it's not just on my end. lol
  • #9
That is how Firefox displays tweets when you're blocking social media trackers, crosssite tracking cookies and fingerprinters, so presumably LastPass is doing some of that as well?


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
  • #10
This happens to me on mobile Edge (iOS) all the damn time. It's really annoying.
  • #11
I think these Firefox Privacy & Security settings should work:
Cookies = Cross-site tracking cookies, and isolate other cross-site cookies
Tracking content = not blocked, or block only in private windows

Anything stricter and embedded tweets don't work for me

  • #12
It's because Twitter actively block embeds from working if you don't allow them to track you across sites. I suspect some security settings have changed to block tracking by default now.
  • #14

I use Bitwarden and get the same behavior in Firefox.
  • #15
I use Bitwarden and get the same behavior in Firefox.

As in if you turn off Bitwarden the embeds start to work?
  • #16
Interesting, I assumed it was just because of my ad blockers. Most tweets don't show up but some do, but like other people here I'm not gonna disable it, unless there's a way to disable it just for one site?
  • #17
As in if you turn off Bitwarden the embeds start to work?

I don't know. It could be some generic Firefox issue. I'm just saying it is not a Lastpass-specific.
  • #18
They don't all break, it seems to come and go. But I have noticed it, just the last couple days.
GoldenEye 007
Oct 25, 2017
  • #19
Yeah just noticed it today.
  • #20
Happening to me with Edge and the LastPass browser extension from the MS Store.

I filed a support claim with LastPass since I have a Professional acct via my employer.

  • #21
Firefox itself has a tracker blocking thing that breaks Twitter embeds, because Twitter sucks and won't allow you to see them otherwise. Press the little icon to the LEFT of the URL bar to see it.
  • #22
Having the same issue right now and can confirm disabling LastPass is the only thing that fixes it. None of the Firefox settings suggested in here seem to work.
  • #23
i hope this gets fixed somehow really annoying
  • #24
I've been using LastPass for years and this has been happening to me for years.

Well, I was waiting for one more good reason to ditch LastPass. Time to switch.

  • #28
I only use Chrome and also have this issue.
  • #29
Same issue on safari iOS.
  • #30
My privacy setting didn't let me see tweets fro very long time on my firefox. I got used to just click and see the tweet in twitter site.
  • #31
Seems like this is a LastPass issue, not Firefox nor Chrome
  • #32
for now i am browsing resetera in a Firefox private window instance, which doesn't load any extension you don't want. I also had to disable the built in Firefox privacy tracking in private mode as well.
  • #33
The LastPass browser extension, at least in Firefox, started acting wonky a few weeks ago for me. It never stays logged in and is randomly asking for 2FA. The Firefox Extension catalog has multiple users complaining about the LastPass extension causing them grief with the latest version of Firefox.
  • #34
Edge user here, and experiencing the same issue. I just assumed I must have broken something on my end after tinkering with a few settings. Never would have suspected it was LastPass, so thanks for the heads up!

And since we're talking about LastPass, it's sad and irritating to see the interface devolving with every big update. The UI keeps getting bigger & bigger, and there's so much wasted space (I assume they're catering for touch screens?). And settings/user info that should be easy-to-access getting buried behind two and three-click menus.

  • #35
Firefox is the only browser I can't get twitter embeds to work on and even then it's literally only in Resetera (They work everywhere else with tweaks) and even then only some twitter embeds.
  • #36
The latest Firefox update actually did this to me but I didn't have Last Pass. I did have Windscribe though and I had to whitelist a bunch of sites because they were blocking stuff.
  • #37
Same with me. I even whitelist Resetera and still nothing. Anyone know what the fix is for firefox?
  • #38
Seems the consensus here is the LastPass add-on might be the cause if you're tracking setting is Standard. Consider migrating your pws to BitWarden.
  • #39
Seems the consensus here is the LastPass add-on might be the cause if you're tracking setting is Standard. Consider migrating your pws to BitWarden.
Oh I removed lastpass addon in firefox and that definitely fixed it.
The Albatross
  • #40
That's wild that the LastPass plugin is blocking this... Seems like something that wouldn't be related at all, but looks pretty clear that it is.
  • #41
definitely lastpass causing the issue. i didnt want to remove it so i just browse in new private firefox window when on resetera.
  • #42
As a test, I disabled the LastPass add-on, and then download the BitWarden add-on (Haven't created an account with them yet). And sure enough, embedded tweets seem to load & work correctly while the BitWarden add-on is enabled. So it's definitely an issue caused by the LastPass add-on.

I may switch to BitWarden when I get a chance, but does anyone know how complicated it would be to transfer data from LastPass to BitWarden? Can I just import my passwords to BitWarden, or would I have to manually setup each of my accounts through BitWarden?

  • #43
As a test, I disabled the LastPass add-on, and then download the BitWarden add-on (Haven't created an account with them yet). And sure enough, embedded tweets seem to load & work correctly while the BitWarden add-on is enabled. So it's definitely an issue caused by the LastPass add-on.

I may switch to BitWarden when I get a chance, but does anyone know how complicated it would be to transfer data from LastPass to BitWarden? Can I just import my passwords to BitWarden, or would I have to manually setup each of my accounts through BitWarden?

You basically copy paste a text file from LastPass to BitWarden. Heed the warning though, it has affected some people. Could be how the browser exports from LP.
  • #44
Never has for me.

Firefox user only.

  • #46

You basically copy paste a text file from LastPass to BitWarden. Heed the warning though, it has affected some people. Could be how the browser exports from LP.
Seems easy enough, thanks!
  • #47
A tech support staff member (I think) replied to someone on their forum who mentioned the same issue:
Thanks for the feedback! We have fixed this issue and it should be released in the next couple of weeks.
  • #48


Resetera site is infested by trackings.

Radicality Incident
  • #49
I have been noticing that too but the fact that I use Firefox with a number of ad blockers (Ublock origin + PiHole + Sponsor Block) and all of the various strict tracking protection that Firefox allows along with heavy use of containers only about 80% of the internet works correctly for me at any given time. Which is plenty of internet for me, the rest can get fucked as far as I'm concerned.
  • #50
I wish i had seen this thread sooner. Just spent the last 30mins troubleshooting Firefox for this issue; never would've thought that the LastPass extension would be the cause. I verified that the previous version of the LastPass extension,, does not have this issue.

LastPass Extension old versions:

I sent an email to LastPass support but I doubt anything will happen there.


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